Ways to Chip In.
We often need help picking up furniture and delivering if you have a truck or manpower. We also have a wonderful offer of many artificial Christmas trees and decorations that need to be picked up in Batavia and delivered to homes.
Help organize and work prom drive in March (organize at Library; work/set up event at library; promote). Help needed after event to clean up and move extra dresses to storage unit.
Pick up food from Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry monthly to deliver to families in need who are without a car.
Food collection drive for Friday Backpacks; work with Fox Valley Christian Church who makes backpacks every week - work with any groups who want to collect food.
Donate gently used Halloween costumes.
Start a gift card collection (a few churches did this and collected over $700 in gift cards). Most needed: ALDI, gas, Target, Kohls, Walmart, Plato's Closet and Walgreens.
Donate personal care items: Toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant, body wash, shampoo/conditioner, soap, female hygiene items. For male and female.
Donate school supplies:
Binders, 2 inch, 1 inch, College ruled notebook paper, 3 & 5 subject spiral notebooks, Mechanical pencils, Colored pencils, Markers, Pens, Colored Folders, Highlighters, Calculators - TI30 & TI84 (used or new!!), Post-It Notes, Glue sticks, Rulers, Tape, Kleenex, Gift cards for shoes or clothing